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Resolution to Support the "The I Refuse Movement" to oppose High Stakes Testing:

WHEREAS, the purpose of education is to educate a populace of critical thinkers who are capable of shaping a just and equitable society in order to lead good and purpose-filled lives, not solely prepare that populace for college and career; and

WHEREAS, instructional and curricular decisions should be in the hands of classroom professionals who understand the context and interests of their students; and

WHEREAS, the education of children should be grounded in developmentally appropriate practice; and



Evaluate that.


A teacher is more than a test score.

NYSUT is launching a new web ad today to celebrate the hard work and dedication of our teachers and to make it clear that, to their students, teachers are far more than just test scores. Watch real students talk, in their own words, about the affection, admiration and respect they have for their teachers. 

Watch and share our new ad at the NYSUT Member Action Center, and listen to real students explain why their teachers are more than just test scores! 

More and more, lawmakers are trying to measure the value of New York state's teachers by the results of flawed and unfair high-stakes tests. But tests don't measure our love of teaching. Tests can't assess all the long, extra hours our teachers put in every week. And tests will never account for the passion, commitment and dedication we have to helping each and every one of our students reach their full potential.

Watch and share our new ad at the NYSUT Member Action Center, and listen to real students explain why their teachers are more than just test scores! 

Students get it. It's time for us all to help lawmakers understand, as well.

A teacher is more than a test score.

Tell lawmakers to #evaluatethat.

In solidarity,
Andrew Pallotta
NYSUT Executive Vice President

P.S.:  Please watch and share our new ad. And support our call for a two-year moratorium on the use of high-stakes tests in decisions regarding teachers and principals.


The following new message has been posted to the LIPC Intranet's Discussion Board:
General Discussions
Viri Pettersen; Rockville Centre
Re: rally
5/23/2014 12:16:33 PM
Here's a virtual narrative using a "social curation" site, covering the events that led up to and included our May 21 rally at the NYS Democratic Convention.  Thanks to all who contributed photos, comments, tweets, etc. 

To Visit the Website Please Click on the below Link.