Resolution to Support the "The I Refuse Movement" to oppose High Stakes Testing:
WHEREAS, the purpose of education is to educate a populace of critical thinkers who are capable of shaping a just and equitable society in order to lead good and purpose-filled lives, not solely prepare that populace for college and career; and
WHEREAS, instructional and curricular decisions should be in the hands of classroom professionals who understand the context and interests of their students; and
WHEREAS, the education of children should be grounded in developmentally appropriate practice; and
WHEREAS, high quality education requires adequate resources to provide a rich and varied course of instruction, individual and small group attention, and wrap-around services for students; and
WHEREAS, the state assessments are not transparent in that–teachers and parents are not allowed to view the tests and item analysis will likely not be made available; and
WHEREAS, the assessment practices that accompany Common Core State Standards – including the political manipulation of test scores – are used as justification to label and close schools, fail students, and evaluate educators; therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Baldwin Teachers Association opposes standardized high stakes testing that is currently pushed by the Federal and State governments, because this testing is not being used to further instruction for children, to help children, or to support the educational needs of children; and be it further
RESOLVED, the Baldwin Teachers Association advocates for an engaged and socially relevant curriculum that is student-based and supported by research; and be it further
RESOLVED, the Baldwin Teachers Association will embark on internal discussions to educate and seek feedback from members regarding standardized high stakes testing and its impact on students; and be it further
RESOLVED, the Baldwin Teachers Association will lobby the NY State Board of Regents to eliminate the use of high stakes testing; and be it further
RESOLVED, the Baldwin Teachers Association will ask that all of its members have their own children refuse to take the Grade 3-8 assessments: and be it further
RESOLVED, the Baldwin Teachers Association will organize other members and affiliates to increase opposition to high stakes testing; and be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution will be sent to the NY State Board of Regents, the Governor of NYS, and all members of the NYS legislative branch; and be it finally
RESOLVED, that after this resolution is passed by the Baldwin Teachers Association Representative Council, an appropriate version will be submitted to the American Federation of Teachers for consideration at the AFT July 2016 Convention and to NYSUT for consideration at the 2015 RA.
To Download the Resolution to Support the "The I Refruse Movement" to oppose High Stakes Testing PDF Document Click on the Below Link